I:Scintilla-Swayed LTD 2 DISC
Diverje - Hate Stimulation
Rein[Forced] - X Amount Of Stab Wounds
XuberX - All Things Belong To Us
UCNX - Generation Damaged
XuberX - Intelligent : Revised
Alkemic Generator - The Oniric Geometry
XuberX - Intelligent Demise
Rein[Forced] - Pre-Exisiting Conditions
Dead On TV - Fuck You I'm Famous
Futronik Structures Vol. 5
Jon Zaremba - Mayberry Romance
Mindless Faith - Just Defy
Mindless Faith - Medication For The Misinformed
Mindless Faith - Eden To Abyss
Patenbrigade Wolff-Ударник Best Of 2001-2014
Blue Eyed Christ-American Whore